the vintage white cabinet is now in an antique mall in Charleston in Rebecca's booth...she is going to sell my stuff in her booth and I will pay her part of the rent...

so we moved this bookcase over here...

washed up the balls and bowl...

thinking this would be a good place and then changed my mind...I do that a lot...

the bookcase hides shoes in the bottom...and Craig put hooks on the sides for me...

and we pulled the sofa table over and put the sofa up against the window more...cleaned out the
Asian beetles from the globes...and there was a lot of them down in there...

some of my newer things and newly

and the sofa is animal free for the moment...

Steve and Bebe watched from his recliner...he is still under the weather but better and eating soft foods now...the
np called back this morning and he had blood in the urine so they called in a
prescription for him...in 2 weeks he needs to be retested for that and they also found a high level of something that has something to do with the liver and gall bladder...but he was so sick for days...it could be due to dehydration...
they will check the prostate too, because of the blood...
called Harold and they are quarantined at the nursing home...the flu is going around up there bad...so we couldn't do anyway...he had a good day today...