Friday, April 29, 2011

the perfect day...

after we hit the flower shop, we got the mail, stopped at the store and then did a road trip in and around town...
this and the next two photos are one yard...
it has so many mini gardens...
they use a golf cart to go from place to place and have the most interesting plants and decor...
then around the corner and down the street is so much color...
and a house down are white blooms...
a newly listed house...
in need of tlc...
is getting a new roof...
not sure, but I would bet someone picked this up...
now out of town...
are wilds flowers and full ditches...
standing water...
a corn field...
a very old corner fence post...
farm decor...
a prairie mail box...
a wonder wood gate...
and back home...
we have shadows now...
and little spots of shade...
we snuck another flat home...
we have a hybrid popular grafted with a cotton wood...
this is all the little white thingys flying through the air...
looks like it's snowing...
tomorrow is promising strong winds so I hope it blows these all away...
some of the pots we did...
white dianthus and pansies...

been a long day...
I totally overdid it...
so tonight's walk was in the chair just at sundown...
so we decided to do a fire...
and we sat around it for awhile...
then came in and started sorting photos...
took 125 photos today...
so you are only seeing a little portion of what I took...
got a list for the guys to do tomorrow...
I may not be able to move...
but they can handle it...
God is good!

Pink Saturday !

this week it's all about the blooms...
took a trip to my flower place...
and we have been potting all afternoon...
but pretty...
going to love this when it fills out...
and my favorite...
a pale pink begonia...
click on the link for more pink fun!
Have a great weekend and remember everyone that was hit by this weeks storms in  your prayers...
God bless every heart that is breaking...

oh, what a beautiful morning, oh, what a beautiful day...

I have a wonderful feeling...
everything's going my way...
power guy changing the light bulb...
it's been out for a month and we decided we were not going to have it back on and just call and have them take it down so we could see the stars at night...
paid for it for 16 years so there would be a street light down here on the dead end...
now the neighbor can't live without it and she is paying for it...
I asked him if I could protest...
he said no...
at least I'm not paying for it!
lawn mower guy came this morning and got the north yard but not the south...
it's a little mushy...
trying different combinations...
getting ready to do pots and the wheel barrow...
need some yellow...
looking good...
even better...
Craig likes them but I snagged the pink ones...
he has a thing for orange...
orange rose moss or portulaca...
since he worked at a green house for 2 years...
I am forced now to use the technical name...
my mom and grandma used names that people don't remember...
but it's what I grew up calling flowers...
pineys for peonies...
flags for iris...
it's a wonder I know anything at all...

Craig and I took 80 photos on our drive awhile ago...
got to get through all those...
some cool shots...
another trip to the flower shack...
one more flat...
tons of photos...
a pot...
grass seed and...
potting soil...
so guess where I'm headed now?
yeah, you got that right...
to get dirty...

a most delightful card...

oh, what a pretty surprise I got in the mail yesterday...
from the sweetest little Angel ever...
Angel Dawn...
she got her box...
she is not doing well...
the chemo is taking it's toll...
she has lost weight again...
and they were putting in a feeding port in her stomach...
keep this precious child in your prayers...
click her button in my sidebar for her story...
she's a daughter of the King and a child of St Jude's...