Ruthie is getting better all the time at taking photos of the flowers...

It was hard work so she grabbed her book- her favorite pasttime- and a cat and they both curled up in a chair in the side yard and spent time together...

After a year the grass seed came up and its looking better...

There is no more room for anything in the front bed...

The spider wart sure started blooming...

Violets won't last long here once the weather turns hot, so we enjoy them while we have them...

The blue salvia is looking so pretty after all the rain...

A bit of grapevine and an old chair for a birdbath- nothing better...

My view from the swing through the trees...

The yellow old fashion rose is blooming...

Rebecca found this for me years ago- I just told her what I wanted and she brought this back...

My goofy little swinging duck- I have had this for years and he's still hanging around...

Ruth got down on her tummy for this shot...

And this one too!
The guys went shopping in Charleston and left us alone in all the peace and quiet- it was wonderful- sitting outside listening to the birds while a cool light breeze kept everything cooled off- even those of us with periodic hot flashes- but then they came home and tranquil went away with the click of the remote...sigh...