Tuesday, July 30, 2019

hello from the rain day...

we had rain and dark skies most of the day...

which means we don't have to water for a couple of days...

we are getting tomatoes now and waiting for the next batch of green beans...

so what do you do when it rains?

you play...
(after you get the house work done, of course...)

just some moving things around on the desk kind of a day...

where do you store your clips and clothes pins?
lamp shade?

an original swanky swig...
with black stars...
the only one I have kept that had a design on it...

don't I look like a pint sized gardener?
even back then...

does anyone else get these in the mail?
I have gotten them for a year and half to two years...

I did not pay for them and no one else paid for them...
they send them free...
I used to get them...
got about 4 issues and called them up and told them to save their postage...
they weren't worth bringing home from the post office...
I told them to cancel my subscription...
they are 99% ads...
yep- under 10 pages of something actually not an ad...
there is nothing that's really my style at all...
mostly modern...
I don't do recipes...
(I make up my own stuff as I go)
so, took me a whole whopping 10 minutes the thumb through all of these...
my suggestion is to start in the back...
the covers are pretty but that's about all it has going for it...

well, there you have it...
my day in a nutshell...

tonight is pizza night...
haven't had them for a few months...
DH has been talking about getting them for a couple weeks now...
surely not...
come back soon!
have good days...