When the great white silence comes and fills the boughs of the trees with a thickening, glistening brilliance, and all is cold and barren, where be the blossom? It is in the memory. It is in the wisdom. It is in the growth of last spring, and it is coming forth again. For when the season has turned and winter is gone, the buds come again, and behold, there is another blossom.
If the ongoingeness of life is beheld in a single blossom, why do you think that you are less that its life? Do you think that you only bloom in sping, produce your fruit in summer, drop your leaves in autumn and then die in winter? But are you not greater than the greatest blossom? Is not your life more important? Indeed it is. And as the blossoms continue to bloom every spring, so will you live, life after life.
What a story your blossoms could tell of all the seasons you've seen.
-J. Z. Knight
welcome to my place and life as I know it...and my journey along the way...thankful for what I have...grateful for what He does... THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN COOKIES...I HAVEN'T PUT THEM THERE, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW WHO MIGHT...YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Just had to stretch my legs a little...I opened the front door...and decided to do it inside...

I had wanted a bottom freezer so bad...and knew I didn't want a side by side...and no water or ice in the door...if you only knew all the mold that grows in those...no one would have them...and I was going to go black...then Rebecca said that they show every single fingerprint...smudge...they are so hard to keep clean and shiny...so I picked white...and in an emergency...my biggest concern was "cold"...

a box of fun I bought off of Rebecca...she sent me photos of her booth...big mistake...look what I found...when I get back in the mood...I will show you what I'm going to do with these...
There comes a point in your life when you realize:
Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore....
And who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future...
Who never did,
Who won't anymore....
And who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future...
I just got this in an email from Terri S.
This is so true...God not only sends what we need...but who we need...each time in our life when we are trying to stand on legs that are too shaky to carry us...when we need a kind word...when we need a hug...
If we were to think of everything we receive each day, from a smile from a stranger, someone holding a door, a hug from a friend...like it was God himself right there in front of us...maybe our days would be brighter...less stressful...more happy...
The next time when the phone rings...will He be on the other end?
Then, what if we acknowledge Him as we say a thank you to others? Just go ahead and include Him in it, too. He can hear your thoughts...
If we were more aware of His presence...maybe we would find out He is always there...
Just like He said He would be...
Before I could get this posted...I got a call...the phone rang...I smiled...and it was a political phone call...LOL...He even has a sense of humor!
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