diva came for a spell- Terri had to run north to pick her dad and mom up and take them home- will be a 3 day trip to get them home and then she will stay with them- may be gone a week- Andy picked diva up right before supper and then will bring her back friday and we will have her until Terri makes it back- her dad had surgery...totems will happen when she gets back home- in the meanwhile I have two very experienced shoppers looking for glassware for me...

the doggies have to potty quick in between the rains...

during a break in the weather, we snuck outside to see what was going on...

picked these up at Triple H this morning when we went to get the mail- they are on clearence now...just wait to see what happens to them...

tiger lilies out front just waiting to open...

this one has a major stock and many blooms...

the peppers are starting to bloom...

tomatoes are coming along- you can almost hear them growing...

ruthie got a close up of the marigolds...

the rose with raindrops...

spaz staying on high ground...

the corn and beans grow fast...

the yellow rose is going to bloom this week too...

one lonely tiger lily is open...

but there will soon be more...

we moved the little girl over here last weekend...
for everyone downwind from us- you've got some rain coming your way- so take your umbrella tomorrow...
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