Here it is- my very own garden totem- itsn't it cool?

When we got done with the weeding and moving around- Craig decided to lay on the couch- big mistake...

They were all asleep when we came back in - but one door slam and they sprung to life again...

Found this one all by himself in the big chair...

We moved the chairs and table here...

I saw a blog last night that used a gate in a booth and the lady had all kinds of neat things clothes pinned to it- and it was painted white- so later this will be white- and I was trying to find somewhere to string a little clothes line to hang my garden gloves on- so this is the perfect solution... and I can always find them...

Ruth and Craig weeding...

My big project this morning...the brick on the left need to be extended here and then I planted 2 marigolds here...

Ta Da- Not bad for an old lady...

I have always loved playing in the dirt...

Craig and Steve taking a mini break while I decide what's next...

The tiger lilies...

The yellow rose open all the way...

I love this rose...
Have a great day...more later...
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