one lone tulip in the side yard...lost all the others to the flood two years ago...

tiger lilies...

new growth and dandlelions...lots of dandlelions...

violets in the iris...

the last of the daffodils...they are fading...

tulips by the driveway...

on the wrong side...something dug these years ago and planted them here...like a squirrel, maybe...this bulb has to be 20 years old or better...usually only has two blooms...four is amazing...
Beautiful flowers! You are generally 5 - 10 degrees warmer than we are here. It's because we are so close to the lake. (it does keep us cooler at the height of summer though) BIG smile
We have had several days in the 80's this week. There is a major difference from where we were at this time last year to this one!
I miss your posts. I keep asking Kyle how your dad is doing. Hope things are well with you and your family and you soon have time to blog again!
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