Sunday, July 17, 2011

prayer request...

as the sun set last night...
there were pink tinted clouds...
and this coming week, the weather forecast has us listed in a severe heat warning...
we have 3 days coming of heat indexes up to 120 degrees...
and I am sure most of you are having the same forecast...
but I believe if we all pray...
for this to pass from us...
that God will send relief...
and that the forecast will not be as extreme...
I do not remember it ever being so high here...
maybe 110...
but never up to 120...
people will die...
animals will die...
pray for lower indexes...
pray for all the souls out in it...
keep us safe, Lord...


Jettie said...

Praying, and yes, our weather has been extremely hot this summer.

Beautiful photos as always.

Patty Sumner said...

Lord, I agree with Tete....stop the heat and bring cooler conditions and showers of rain. We ask for this in the Holy and Powerful name of Jesus. Let it be, Lord, Let it be!
Blessings and let us know when the temps change and the rain comes!

NanaDiana said...

I am on this like a duck on a Junebug! We have heat index warnings all over the place here too...even our "go to" spot for coolness (on the other side of the Peninsula) is already at 82º this morning. I will pray for coolness. xo Diana

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Praying for cooler heat indexes and relief from the heat.

Our heat indexes are reaching the same extremes we saw in the winter colds this year.

Beth said...

You are right, Tete. This is very serious. God is in charge and I will pray.
Bless you, Beth

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

yes, it is hot in Oakland today!! I was out in it all day...trying to get cool now!