Monday, November 22, 2010

We got clouds...

looky, looky...
we are not getting a lot of rain...
but hopefully more tonight...
Tia came with her camera...
its so dark and dreary...
I love it!...
we will be sprucing this up later this week...
it is 66 out!...
just unreal...
then it's supposed to get colder and somewhere, they keep mentioning snow...
been busy rearranging things...
from one room to another...
the island has been tamed again!...
I do not know how it gets so bad in here...
honestly, we must have gremlins...
well, need to crack the whip some more before we have to stop for supper...


NanaDiana said...

I'm sure I have gremlins, Tete! Maybe they only visit certain people..those that have a 100 things on their mind that they want to get done NOW!

I am blowiog our rain east to you feel it coming? You can keep any snow you get from it too. 67º? Unbelievable! Hugs-Diana

Verde Farm said...

I sure hope you get the rain you need Miss Tete. I love the warm weather too. It was 72 and sunny here today and just fabulous but they are saying snow on Thanksgiving so we will see. I know what you mean about gremlins--I have a few here--one really big one that I married :) LOL

nancy said...

Yes, we have rain here too. It was in the low 60's. Now we're expecting snow by the mid week through the weekend.
Have a good day.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Tete Sweetie...
What a beautiful share this evening. I love the cloud photos that you have shared, and that little bench is just gorgeous. Just the perfect place to sit a spell, maybe make out that list for Thanksgiving dinner. So pretty.

We had rain here in the desert all day yesterday, but sunny here today. No clouds here, not a one.

Have a gorgeous evening sweetie. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hey Friend ~ We're getting the Rain now, it was Dark & Overcast all day & in the low 60's... cooling off tomorrow, by 20 degrees.

Thanks for your advise, I looked on eBay & did not find anything, so I googled a bit & found this site -,

I was able to post photos & they will help indentify... they had all types of Depression glass & patterns & other Glass items, but I did not find this pattern, so hopefully I will get some info ~ I can see it filled with Old Shiny Brite Ornaments for the Holiday... I guess I will wait & see what I find out ~ well, off to bed, I am TIRED! xox