just about ready to go to bed and thought...
I haven't made a collage today...
so I made one to make Rebecca smile...
she had a bad day yesterday...
things didn't sell like they should have...
maybe it was bad timing...
people already spent their weekly mad money...
the economy is not the greatest and getting worse...
no matter what the experts say...
so she was down when she called...
it takes a lot of work to do a show...
even if its in your own barn...
and she does it basically on her own...
and she holds down a full time job to boot...
it takes its toll...
but you can't always measure success in dollars and cents...
you have to measure what happened in that time frame...
did you make a new friend?
see some old ones?
make someone smile?
what did you accomplish?
the barns a little cleaner...
the opposums are gone...
and you never set up a show without learning something...
its either something you should've done...
or something not to do again...
weigh it for what its worth...
I know cash is good...
but sometimes you walk away with something money can't buy...
so, when you really take the time to think about it...
what did you walk away with?