Thursday, June 13, 2013


being on your knees puts things in perspective...

kneeling shows you things you might have missed...

being lowered lets you think of higher places...

in gardening you place a trust in a tiny seed...

trust in tomorrow...

trust that God put everything in a tiny little package...

so that small things become big things...

and kneeling amid all those promises...

should keep us on track with our lives here below...

and teach us that what we plant will grow...

teach us that there is a tomorrow....

that trusting Him isn't as hard as folks make it out to be...

kneeling before Him we need to keep it simple...

and let Him do the big things...

and let Him worry about the tomorrows...

all we need to do is plant the seeds...

harvest what He gives us...

and keep kneeling...

hope you have a great time kneeling in your garden...
enjoy your time with Him...
and remember the promise in every seed...

before I head for bed...

I was testing out the lighting during the evening...
Mr Cardinal and his bike...

he was picking up chicks...

I don't think she knows she's supposed to ride on the handle bars...

Craig said the guy interviewing him had a really bad headache...
so it lasted only 10 minutes...

he will know Monday if he got the job...

but his friend just started at the Walmart we shop at most...

and said they are hiring...

so he filled out an ap for that...
they called his friend the next day for an interview and hired him right then...
so hopefully, Craig may have 2 jobs to pick from...
or take both...
the other one, the guy said was 4 and 6 hour shifts...
Craig told him he needed at least 6 hour shifts because of the driving distance...
it would cost more in gas for less...
so we will just have to sit and wait...
something is coming for him...
in time...

we missed all the storms...
the whole thing went north...
now we need to water in the morning...