sat on the deck until I got woke up...
not one Japanese beetle on these this year!
then I started on the bed next to the shed...
dug this out...
but left a little...
the sky was awesome...
butternut squash blooms...
the rose of sharon opened...
and a hummingbird noticed this afternoon...
picked another mess of green beans...
Bebe got bath...
added the parsley in here, too...
a couple ferns...
2 of the pepper plants...
I do have lavender bunch to go in here, too...
its soaking to get more roots...
and that's what I did today...
of course, DH, did so much more...
running from one thing to another...
but this was my fun part of the day...
got a fabulous day...
great breeze out of the east...
and no rain...
we had to water...
got to do supper now...
have a great night!