I did this over the weekend...
just before things went bad here...
its removable contact paper...
so no harm to the wood cabinet...
and put it all back together...
I took my time...
but the funky chicken wire looking background makes all the things in cabinet visible...
but then. the pinched nerve in my lower back...
and the constipation part of IBS with constipation...
both at the same time...
which isn't fun...
suffered through Sunday and Monday...
nothing I took would break it lose...
so popped a muscle relaxer and took off for the hospital...
xrays showed the mass of pooh was in the colon and heading out...
I haven't gotten a bit here and there, but still waiting for it all to pass...
but the pinched nerve is doing much better this morning...
and no muscle relaxer is needed...
so far, today...
DH has been home with me...
helping and feeding me...
Doc said it should all pass by Tuesday afternoon, but that didn't happen...
going, but very little at a time...
and with all the laxatives in me...
I do believe its going to be a horror show when it does happen...
I am not sick to my stomach and there is no pain in my tummy, so that's a good sign...
but we ruled out no perfed bowel or obstruction...
the joy of having all this stuff is never ending...
I sure hope your week has gone better!