Tuesday, October 4, 2011

inspirational words...

Do you have trouble with clutter?

I sure do!
I am surrounded by it!
and it's time to take back my space...
not just move it from one pile to another...
I googled organizing ideas...
isn't this just grand?
and clean?
I love this small space used at it's mostest!
I could so do this to give it all a new look...
this is fun...
it's a piece from who knows what that someone found while garage saling...
not a lot of space taken up, but looks like it holds so much...
and it's all out of sight...
I love this but cannot afford baskets like that!
if my space was ever like this...
oh, it just wouldn't happen without a cat laying up there...
now this is useful...
things available...
cannot decide if I want it cute and visible...
or cute and hid...

are you fall house cleaning?
I am not getting very much done right now...
the more I dig the worse things look...
you know...
the storm before the calm...
that's how I operate...

up at 2am...
got a bug or something...
not fun...
going to grab a little something to eat...
and try to head back to bed...

have a great day...