Sunday, October 19, 2014

home alone and the play room...

found this at Goodwill on Friday...
love throw pillows...

a tub I was putting things in to give away...

but wait a minute...

found my song book of songs for Mothers...
and framed it...

and I had to get a clock Friday for the room...
so this all went together...

the card DH gave me for our 30th anniversary last month...
framed it, too...

now, we also picked up Patches and brought her back home...
she has a long journey ahead of her...
because she found her new mommie...
Debbie at Lakehouse saw her here...
and fell in love...
we are working out transport arrangements for her to travel from me(central Illinois) to her(Michigan)...

I also brought four more home on Friday...
for only about 10 days...
the lady who was taking care of them went on vacation...
when she gets back, I am done for the year...

and you find the darnedest things when you are sorting and purging...
my grandma took this polaride of me when I was 16...
it was in her basement...
can you guess what I'm resting my head on?
come back tomorrow and find out!
gotta go feed the babies again!
hope your weekend was a good one...