Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking back...May 2010...

I was working on Christmas in May!
Daphne didn't like the sun shining in her eyes...
getting the garden area ready for tomatoes and green beans...
my son...
I am so proud...
this is what he learned in college...
green beans...
fresh strawberries...
well, that was May last year...
tomorrow will be June's turn to look back...

I got out...even if it was just on the deck...

got some fun shots in while I was out there...
shots the guys just don't do...
a trail of bird seed...
we moved the feeder so we left them a trail to follow...
this was the bench that was covered with snow a few days ago..
a new planter for spring...
maybe portulaca?
through the top of the bird cage...
not looking too perky today...
this is how you look when you spend too much time on the computer...

It's 51 degrees out and the snow is gone...almost...

it's not here...
not here...
was here...
oops...a forgotten pile...
but not here...
and it's not here anymore!

Looking back...April 2010...

making my tags...
new additions that the mower weed whacker too out later..
we had already mowed!
bedding plants...
milk weed pod...
lilies and tulips through the ground...

yellow blooms...
green leaves coming on...
blue skies and daffodils...

and April showers...
I so can't wait!