we had a wonderful late night outside...
the wind picked up and it cooled off so much...
and sometime in the night...we got some rain...
and this morning was much cooler than it has been...
and I slept in...
I was shocked to see that the clock said right after 8AM...
I'm usually up by 4AM...
so I made it out from under the covers...
stumbled to the computer...
left comments for those ladies who visited so early this morning...
grabbed my camera and dear hubby...
and out we went...
and the sun was already up...
and it was shining through the trees...
and it was glistening on the leaves...
I had told my hubby Thursday that there would be no work this weekend...
he works out in the heat and we have had a very miserable week...
he was getting the weekend off...
so he was thrilled to only fill the bird bath this morning...
and I marveled are all the new growth...
and the drops left over from last night...
and even though we lost some plants this past week...
the heat didn't get them all...
and what we have left are wonderful...
and blooming...
one last hurray before they fade away...
for the leaves are beginning to fall...
and autumn is coming...
they could be picking corn right after labor day...
the moisture is already down and dropping 2 points a day...
dropping too fast...
I hope your weekend is full of sun rays and shadows...
soft breezes and bright blossoms...
and those you hold dear...
blessings and hugs- Tete