Thursday, March 15, 2012


just hanging around waiting for the cable dude to call...
our guys call first and if you don't answer, they don't come...
so we are inside again...
but we did venture out for a bit with the phone on the deck...

this is the help that I got about noon...
great crew, huh?

I got the old sedum trimmed down and some more raking done...
the beds will have to be raked off about 3 times to get it all...

the daffodils out front are blooming now...
the ones in the back have been blooming for several days...

the day lillies are coming up everywhere...

and the forsythia started opening this morning...

pretty, huh?

and Rebecca, this one is for you...
what we were talking about last night...
"faith without works is dead"

have a joyous day, everyone...
we are starting to cloud up...
we need some rain to really green this place up and for the bloomers to sparkle...

and I leave you all with this...

yesterday afternoon fun...

raking off more flower beds...

so much green has happened this week already...

and we have 70s running through until the weekend...

Bebe is enjoying being outside...

I think we should start on the bird bath...
those birds are coming back and setting up nests...

I love the part of spring when green whispers in the landscapes...

we are a long way off of planting...
but I am ready...

onsale rummaging...
cute basket...

and a large clock to replace the one DH killed off last year...
great bargains and they were even delivered...

the guys are bummed...
cable was out last night...
so hanging close and inside today until they come to fix it...
online tech said we need a new box...
we have a chance of rain and I hope we get some...
will be mowing by next weekend if we do...

can you believe we are able to leave the windows open 24/7????
just awesome weather we are being blessed with...