Monday, November 7, 2016

happy Monday...

another wonderful weekend in the 60s...

not what usually happens around here...

having major tummy issues, though...

and trying to get it all lined out again...

the guys have been a big help this weekend...

our trip to town was cancelled...

but DH got me out for a bit close to home...
it was nice getting out of here...
but it was nice to crawl back into bed when we got home...

I hate falling apart!
but, it happens...
plans are to heal up and get back to my normal in a day or 2 or 3...
if that takes bed rest, so be it...
the house work will be there when I can do it...

we did get in 2 bon fires this weekend...
just me and the old man...
it was nice and chilly...
the fire felt good...
I miss camping sometimes...
but it was nice to come into my own bed and the furnace running when we were done...

60s again this week!
(and next)
got to be better for tomorrow...
to get up to City Hall and vote...

I will be so glad when this election is over...
it will tell me what the future will bring...
and those idiot phone calls will stop...
I hate those...
right in the middle of supper...
or while I am in the shower...
feeding babies...
all evening long...

have good days!
and pray for America!