yesterday just after lunch, the phone rang...
just had gotten done with PT...
and we didn't get to the phone in time...
but the area code was Richmond, Va...
I know this because my in-laws live there...
but it wasn't their home number...
my brother in law is have some heart tests done...
having some problems there...
so thinking that this might be one of their cell phones...
and that something might have happened...
I quickly dial back...
it's a lady named Debbie with a sugary sweet southern accent...
looking for my sister in law...
my brother in law was transferred to South Carolina and since he is so close to retiring...
they locked up their townhouse in Richmond...
and are renting in NC now...
so the townhouse should be vacant...
but this Debbie was standing in the middle of their house...
found our number in an address book and was trying to find my sil...
Debbie is on the board for the townhouses...
the door was found wide open...
someone broke in, had been using it to sell drugs out of...
they took the downstairs tv, but they think that's all...
most of their stuff they moved with them...
and took anything of value...
so there was really nothing in there to get...
they left the tv because it was too heavy to move...
I wouldn't give Debbie my sil's number...
I called my sil and gave her Debbie's number and told her what she had said...
Debbie said the house was trashed...
it wasn't...
a friend went right over and checked it out...
pretty freaky...
but it has been used as for drug dealing...
but not drug cooking...
there was no smell...
their friend stops once a week or so to check the mail box to make sure nothing is in there...
but he doesn't go in...
he is going to start doing that now...
it was a little freaky...
not knowing if the whole house was trashed or not...