the rain is just what everything needs right now...
a project for a dryer day...
green is just popping up all over...
I am so glad we got these all raked off before the rains came...
just in time...
but the wind blew leaves back on in some places, but not like it was...
I really think I need to paint this when it warms up and dries out...
it was a very peaceful kind of a day here...
with the rain falling softly, most of the time...
and its wonderful to hear the thunder instead of sleet hitting the windows...
one look out and you realize the cold is over...
it might get chilly, but its time to sort through summer clothes and find your old favorites...
getting ready for those 80s...
planning what's going in the beds and pots...
I want to plant some glads this year...
I haven't had any of them in over 20 years now...
and I have plenty of places they can go...
some more lilies...
some in the dark tones...
pastels for the annuals...
what are you planning?
what's your favorites for the planters?
for borders?
its almost time...
have a blessed spring day...