Wednesday, April 13, 2011

weedin' time...

the grass needs mowed again...
but it's going to wait until Friday...
first weed pulled of the season...
so I sat down and began...
columbine transplanted last year...
this is the third season for these...
transplanted from a neighbors yard...
and they are beautiful...
peonies are something we had on the farm in spades...
how I have missed them...
day lilies...
they are getting so big...
sunshine all day today with a high of 66...
Craig started a weed fight...
I had pulled more weeds...
he lost...
this is him admitting defeat...
my spot done...
yeah, they are every where...
evidence that I actually did something today...
the vertigo comes and goes...
but it's much better than when it started...
it's just something that I have to deal with from time to time...
have a good night...

Mission: Possible... Ready To Mail...

I have put this off long enough...
one of my finish up and get it done things today...
vertigo or not...
if you recall...
I did a post asking for all of  you to join in on some fun for a dandy girl who is under going chemo at St Judes...
she is taking treatments all the way through to September...
can you even imagine what that might be like?
well, it doesn't sound like fun to me, that's for sure...
so I am sending her a couple EASTER BONNETS, along with some fun socks and a few other things stuck in a box...
all ready to head to Nezzy's house so she can take them to her the next time she sees her...
if you don't know about Angel Dawn and her battle...
click on the button in my side bar and that will explain things a little better...
this 12 year old is a real super trooper and puts her faith in God...
what a gal...
if you are unable to send a box of fun...
just do a card...
anything to cheer up a child is so worth the time to do...
click on the link and ask Nezzy for her address so you can have some fun, too...
super big hugs and blessings to all of you..

things were going good until it happened...

the day started off well...
playing around and decorating for Easter in the living room...
my lone egg from my collection...
sold all the rest of them but this one...
I have a thing for eggs...
and bird figurines...
but sold almost all of them, too...
you know how you get tired of things after 10-15 years...
that happened to me, too...
and it was time to stretch my legs and walk around a bit...
I am so amazed how things are growing day to day...
and the tulip doesn't have any black inside...
I do not like the ones with the black as much as I like the ones without...
and it opened up today...
sunny skies with whisper clouds...
the weeds are popping up, now, too...
I grow the best dandelions around...
yep, I'm bragging...
here is one of those things that you just love to death...
I never get tired of it and wished I had more...
and then there's the forever buddy that sticks to you like glue...
do  you have one of those?
we have several...
the iris are coming along...
Craig's growing some mighty fine weeds already in his flower bed...
and some new trees...
which we are going to leave...
this area needs some shade... 
and we came back in and I was sorting and cleaning...
taking photos for later...
and BANG!
out of the blue...
slapped me up side of the head...
ibuprofen down...
had Craig peroxided my ears out...
both of them were blocked...
yippee skippy...
had a small list to do today...
but it will have to wait...

glad you all like the images...
I still have more to come...

White Wednesday...

white bonnets...
white background...
white egg, daisies and pussy willows...
white sheep, lambs and apple blossoms...
another white background...
white lilies and wheels...
for you to use...
Happy White Wednesday...
click on the link for more whites...