just another morning doing what I love to do...
play in the dirt...
this morning was out in front along the sidewalk...
the iris looked scorched on the ends and so much dead inside...
so we started trimming it up and pulling out the dead...
called the mower guy and he will be here this weekend...
saved a small fortune on mowing this summer...
but I would rather have the green...
there are still brown patched here and there, but they are getting smaller every day...
there's the finished product...
minus sweeping up...
peonies have come out of their funk...
they were looking pretty sad there for awhile...
now if God keeps sending us bits of showers here and there to keep it this way...
words for thought...
powerful, huh????
made ya think, didn't it?
made me take a second look...
have a great day!
off to get into more trouble...