Tuesday, July 19, 2011

french images to play with...

a few images for you to use while it's too icky to play outside...
we have 94 with a heat index of 113...
and the humidity is just awful!
isn't this a hoot?
and just pretty...
I nabbed a little bit of everything so there should be something you can use here...
hope you are staying inside...
and you aren't in a dust storm...
Arizona is just not a fun place to be right now, is it Sherry?
our hope of relief in storms has fizzled out...
we just need some wind...
Pray for cooler temps and lower humidity...
pray that we stay safe, the air stays on and the power doesn't go out...
and slap me with a wet noodle, but on days like this...
ok, I said the S word...
heat stroke will make you do stupid things...