when God gives you the most perfect spring days...
80s with blue skies and white fluffy clouds...
beautiful blooms opening as fast as they can...
and plenty of dirt to play in...
well, this old gal sat down and got dirty...
and I played with some eggs and a couple baskets...
a cute little girl checking out her basket...
Craig had a great idea of putting rocks in the eggs so they wouldn't blow away...
old things that did not serve a purpose any longer are reborn in a garden...
to keep these company...
little maids all in a row...
if I were a fairy, this is where I would hang out...
the violets are coming!
these will be so pretty when they open...
and the dusty miller really perked up after the rain...
now for the show...
these were sealed tight yesterday morning...
and we watched it through out the day...
until it opened almost right before our eyes...
the warm weather has been a great booster...
but the spring flowers are not happy with all the warmth once they pop their little heads out...
and they are not lasting as long as they usually do...
but its still a great spring so far...
well, I posted a couple photos of me and my baby yesterday...
and I only had two comments...
I am assuming that means that if you couldn't say anything nice you didn't say anything at all...
so I don't think I will post any pics of me anymore!
now, I don't care who you are-
that's funny!
Have a blessed day and soak up the sunshine!
We are cloudy and rain is coming!