what a winter's day we are having here...
its freezing on surfaces now...
a very dreary looking day indeed...
and slicker than owl poop on a doorknob...
got that saying from living in the south, but they didn't say poop...
so we are staying inside...
we've cleaned, ate, watched a little tv, did my pt and played a game...
had my shower and smell good now...
and would you believe its so quiet here except for the sleet hitting the kitchen windows...
and Craig snoring on the couch...
all the critters are nappin'...
I need to do an ensure and it just might be nap time for me, too...
just praying the temp rises just a tad for rain and that my guy gets home from work later, safe and sound...
having a pretty good, mellow kind of day...
we all need those every now and then...
so glad I am in here and not out there!