Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday's thought...

this is too selfish...
this is not how life works...

its not what you get out of it...
it should be what you give out of it...

I have been inspired the most by people who I thought I was helping...
thinking that it would be such a one sided thing, that I was the giver...
but in the end...
I got back just as much or more than what I gave...
these are the ones who change you on the inside...
the ones that God has placed in your care...

surround yourself with those of God's choosing...
waste your time on the lesser...
your destiny is to kneel before the throne of God...
and you will never do that thinking you are better than anyone else...

surround yourself with LOVE...
your destiny is to serve...
its not about you...
its about God...

the more you love, the more you will be loved...
the more you help, the more you will be helped...
the more you hug, the more you will be hugged...
it all begins with you...
and your attitude...
if you're not there, change it...
its a new day...

peace to you...
and hug on...