Sunday, March 25, 2012


spring sunshine awakens the sleeping in a garden...

the warmth draws the beauty forth...

we are a lot like a garden...

only blooming when the conditions are right...

if all is right with the root system...

the plant comes forth with magnificent colors...

the most important part of the plant is the part you cannot see...

but you can tell from the surface that all is well underneath...

and the rebirth is complete...

are you reborn?

are your roots well tended?

does your outward image reflect your soul?

and is all well with your soul?

flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit...

are you reborn in spirit?

nourished by the Son?

brought forth by grace?

and just like a garden, we do not all bloom at the same time...

we all have our seasons...

our special time...

when he calls us from out of the darkness...

to shine...

where ever you are today...

blooming or darkness...
its ok...
we all have our time...
it does not mean that all is not well with our roots...
when we are not blooming...
we are gathering strength...
being tended by loving hands...
getting ready to shine...

we have many chances in our life to bloom and grow and multiply...
times to be watered and weeded and pruned...
the master gardener is working His garden...
be patient...
your spring will come...

spring fever, in a can...

well, things keep getting greener and bloomers keep blooming...

won't bloom this year...

needs another coat of paint this year...

lily of the valley are coming up...

and the trees are starting to green up a bit, too...

more fun coming soon...

ordered some paint from the hardware store...
couldn't get the color I wanted, but this was close...

the mail box before...


birdcage also got shot...

and the birds on the birdbath...
needs sanded down a tiny bit...

and after...

more yellow...

replaces the daffodils, which are toast now...

and the forsythia is fading...

DH worked today, but when he got home, we headed for the deli...

and Bebe wasn't too sure about this...
he has never gotten gas here before...
and he was shaking a bit...
we came home, ate supper...
got bored...
so we had our first official bonfire of the season...
which got rained out...
started sprinkling as soon as we lit it...
but it wasn't much so we sat out there for awhile...
until it rained a little harder and came in...
looking around, there is so much to do yet, but its too early...
some crazy farmers are planting corn...
silly boys...
their crop insurance isn't any good on anything planted before the middle of April...
but the have been plowing  up a storm...

and the dogwood are blooming...
I know that's what I look forward to the most...