Saturday, May 14, 2011

I am so pupt...

first thing this morning we headed for Paris to the doctor...
in and out in 2 minutes...
the strep is gone...
but now I have thrush mouth...
a yeast infection from killing the strep...
rinse with this med that taste like hand lotion 4x a day for the next 2 weeks and I should be right as rain...
so we drove up town and then back to the pharmacy just to see what's new...
cvs for meds...
and we went up each and every isle...
Walmart parking lot to check out the plants outside...
Mickey D's for breakfast to go and home...
I had this idea...
we all head for Charleston...
grabbed the box for my booth...
took it all out and put it back and brought a box full home...
it is not great by any means...
have more work to do here and more to haul in...
then we went to the Dollar Tree...
yeah it was good...
started pouring while we were in there and got wet coming out...
then we stopped by to see Doug...
I was getting so tired by then and we didn't stay long...
it was my first time to his apartment...
he was happy...
I snagged a chocolate shake on the way home...
my whole mouth is as sore as my throat was before...
it is not fun eating...
but doc said a couple doses and I should be able to tell a big difference...
it's 54 and rain today...
so I have already got my shower...
nightie is on...
fuzzy slippers...
goofballs are napping...
they can't keep up with an old sick pathetic chick...
I am pupt...