we were in the 90s last week...
it's in the 70s now and 50s at night...
turned the furnace on...
so where have I been?
oh, where to begin...
#1- taking care of babies...
they are now ready to go...
#2- a guy DH works with came and stayed with us for 4 days...
thought it would be longer, but he decided to go home and face what was going on there...
SHE was hitting on him...
#3- Craig did the sleep study and got the results back...
severe sleep apnea...
he is scheduled to get his machine and mask fitting next Monday and then on the 29th, he does the next sleep study with his machine and mask...
they will adjust the settings to make sure its where it needs to be for him...
#4- chasing down a possibility on getting his car fixed...
there is another one here that is a perfect match motor and transmission wise...
intentions are to put our motor and transmission in the other car...
the transmission is going out of the other one...
Problem: the guy hit a raccoon and tore up the underside in front...
then he crunched the left fender a bit...
need to see if he did damage underneath...
it needs front breaks...
everyone is in harvest and will be next month or so before it can be done...
we need to decide on which way to go...
#5- mad dash to unearth the fall and winter clothes...
get everything through the wash and determine what to keep and what to let go...
(had no idea I had so many clothes)
so one big bag in the trash...
3 walmart bags to a friend...
and very little back in the closet...
goal was to go down to 10 outfits...
got it to 17...
and I am good with that...
(DH said it looks like I moved out)
#6- squeezed in our bi-monthly shopping trip to Ruler Foods...
(miss Kroger, but next best thing)
and Walmart, Rural King and Goodwill...
we are stocked until the first of December or when harvest is over...
#7- sneaking in yard work here and there...
pulling the tomato plants this weekend...
they are tired and so are we...
#8- got a new phone...
discovered last night via my nerdy son that I can download the photos on the camera to my laptop...
and then post here...
oh, the possibilities with that...
plus tons of other stuff that just happens day to day...
allergies, colds, chin hair plucking...
you know, things that just come and go...
well- have a great day and expect me in here more often...
missed you guys...