Sunday, March 20, 2011

this afternoon was for the birds...

they come in every evening and feed...
and I watch from the kitchen window...
I had just gotten out of the shower...
adorned in my Tom Cruise attire...
Rebecca even stopped by...
I have my pink boyfriend night shirt...
bobby socks...
and of course my white clogs on...
my hair is all big and frizzy because I let it dry on it's own...
she was on her way to a dinner at her church here in town...
and she was so darned cute...
her pockets on her jeans had the cutest lace on them...
she had the softest pink little jacket...
loved her open toed heels...
and her shirt...
white with capped sleeves of rufflely lacey fun...
I told her when I lose my weight...
and I mean really...
down to a size -4...
I'm going to raid her closet...
I wish they made lacy back pocketed jeans for fat butts...
instead of trying to hide my backside...
I might even show it off...
I should probably just be grateful that no one has tried to use it for a bill board...
or that I don't have to have a wide load sign on it when I go out...
it's bad enough that my guys make a beep beep sound anytime I backup...
and yes, the last time I ran...
my butt bounced more than my boobs did...
it's just too scary...
now, get that image out of your head...

Want to stroll?

the guys are all ready...
a few little crocus bulbs that didn't get in the ground last year...
so I stuck them in a basket...
I took one of the boxes of new solar lights with me...
and we put out 6 of them today...
they will be blooming soon...
we went down to the neighbor's and he was out...
so we sat and talked to him awhile...
that's our place from his driveway...
did you ever wonder what your neighbor's see when they look your way?
more sedum...
I lost a nut off my front wheel...
hardware store is closed on Sundays...
they close at noon on Saturday...
Craig will make a run up there tomorrow and get more screws and nuts...
stuck a solar light in here...
something is coming up...
but not sure what...
more of it...
whatever it is...
and looky here...
the lilac budded this morning...
just these 2 so far...
and my metal crosses just get to lookin' better ever year...
look at that rust...
I hope you had fun walking with me today...
even though it was cut short...
come back again when I get my wheels fixed...
and we'll go a bit longer next time...

Dh and Bebe got their haircuts today...
Bebe has an owie...
got that boiled out and honey on it...
then, Dh made a grocery run for a bland diet...
and when I came back in from my walk...
there was another orange creme cadbury egg on my desk...

I need a shower...
clean clothes...
and then I'm going to eat that egg...
do not pass them up if you find them...
they even smell good!

more Easter images...

I love this image...
and this one...
and this bright one...

I need prayer for Craig today...
last night while I was talking to Rebecca on the phone...
Craig started spitting up blood...
he has been having trouble with heart burn lately...
not a lot of blood...
but with all the other aymtoms...
a sure sign of a bleeding ulcer...
have him on a bland diet...
and limiting his intake and when he eats...
and honey to kill the bacteria...

years ago, I ruptured a disk in my back...
and the nerves that were pinched were the ones that went to the liver and gall bladder...
shortly after, I started having gall bladder attacks...
18 months of it...
when they finally scoped me...
top and bottom...
they found the start of ulcers in the stomach...
and open ulcers in my intestines...
the best antiacid is water...
delute the acid...
and eating cooked cabbage for one week will completely heal an ulcer...
just a spoonful  with every meal...
and it really works...
a dealer buddy of mine shared that with me once...
we were set up doing a show and she knew I was having problems...
she grabbed me a pulled me around a corner and told me that...
it sure does work...

I also had acid reflex so bad...
the dr said I would never be able to lay down ever again...
that I would have to sleep sitting up in a chair...
my stomach flap was toast and even if we got it healed up...
it would be so scarred...
that it was beyond help...

yeah, he was wrong about that, too...
I haven't had acid reflex in years...
I sleep flat every night...

do you have tummy problems?
a lot of people do...

my dad had ulcers...
my father in law popped rolaids all the time...
my mom had problems...

you can also have too little acid...
that will give you heartburn...
a little bit of vinegar will stop it in 5 seconds flat...
I use pickle juice when I start in...
if it works that fast...
you know then that you didn't have enough acid...

well, that certainly isn't where I thought I was going with this post...
but I have had so many leave comments that they have some of the same problems that I do...
and with fibro and IBS...
the drs don't know a lot about it...
what causes it...
and they try to treat it by trial and error until they find something that works...
so, hopefully, this will help someone...

and remember Craig...
he has to change his eating habits...
and he has to face that he is getting older and can't get away with certain things anymore...
he has to eat healthy whether he likes it or not...

Bring on the rain...

this song was my mother's favorite song ever...
she rocked all her babies to it...
all babies that crossed her path...
and every single animal we ever had...

so many things have happened in the world lately...
and things are still going on...
things going on in our lives...

chaos happens when we forget to let God in...
what is happening to our country?
our world?
how did we let a handful of people tell us what we can do and where we can do it?
where and when we can talk to God?
well, I figure if our highest court cannot protect the rights of a family burying a fallen soldier in peace and with respect...
then I have the same right to pray where, when and how loud I want to...
it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH...

I am praying for our world leaders...
they need all the guidance that they can get...
every child in the world who is stuck in the middle of adults being stupid...
every momma who doesn't have her child to rock to sleep anymore...
all our soldiers who are fighting while we are safe at home...
Japan-  men, women, and children...
the homeless, the hungry...
the unsaved...
and the saved who are trying so hard to live in a world of chaos...
rain down upon us blessings from Heaven, Lord...