Here are some things that worked for a couple of people
0) Make sure you are running the latest version of your browser, if not, upgraded it.
1) Make sure you REALLY have cleared both your COOKIES and CACHE
2) Once Cleared shut down the browser
3) Then Open it again and CHeck that the Cookies and Cache are indeed Empty. This is very important. The problem seems to be with corrupt cookies and cache files
4) If that is OK try going to . Don't login yet, press CTRL-F5 and then try logging in again
5) If that still does not work try logging into Gmail first and then go to and try again
6) If that does not work try going to this address
7) If that does not work try going to
8) If all those fail, try installing another browser to see if that works eg Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc
Well, girls, I don't know about you...
but this is beyond me...
too complicated for the average blogger...
so, this is what I have found that has worked for me...
any blog that has a pop-up window for comments lets me comment...
I use a pop-up window on mine and have been getting comments...
here is how to change it in your settings...
go to your dashboard...
click settings...
now click comments...
now, find this...
and click pop-up window...
scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE SETTING...
easy peasy...
this should work...
let me know if it doesn't...
if you cannot leave a comment here...
send me a little note to my email and let me know...