Saturday, September 4, 2010

A new blog party...

my best buddy and I have been kickin' around some ideas for a new blog party...
and every time we come up with something...
its already been done...
and then I came up with this...
it is so general that the possibilities are almost endless...
and we thought about not doing it every week...
so no one gets burnt out on it...
but one that you could work on for once a month...
and we all have collections...
and it would be fun to see what others collect...
and a chance to show and tell about our own collections...
if I can get a linky to work...
I'm going to start this next Sunday...
and if you don't have time for get something together by then...
that's ok, just gear up for October...
all I ask is that you have at least 3 of something...
vintage would be nice...
and that you do not use the blog party to advertise...
back to the regularly scheduled program...
Pink Saturday is just one scroll down...