super humid out there yesterday morning...
but we worked on one of the front beds...
the lilies are not well, so trimmed back the outer layer allowing air flow to the center of them...
the sedum are blushing all over town, but not mine- yet...
watered yesterday, too...
looked like rain for much of the day but didn't get but a few drops...
the new batch of green beans have broke ground...
just waiting on that first red one...
rose of sharon is still going...
grandma's old tub has been very useful through the years...
the hydrangea and ferns looks bad...
just too much rain even for them...
we ran over to the pool for an ice cream cone and drove by the golf course...
there's a pond on #3 that I just love...
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the forecast, look downright miserable...
so will spend my days inside with this new baby...
he is doing very good...
have a good day and stay our of trouble...