to change a life...
as the Christmas season moves along...
and the reason for the season is the birth of Christ...
somewhere along the way, we sometimes forget that...
depression is the highest this time of the year...
and while people are out doing the shopping thing...
the fun and things that aren't so fun...
and it seems like everyone is in a hurry...
and in all the hustle and bustle...
we forget...
we forget to smile...
to help...
to stop the pushing and shoving...
we forget Christ...
we forget that what we do is contagious...
whether we are grumpy or happy...
ever have a cranky customer ruin your time out?
someone cut you off?
how do you handle it?
Do you not realize that it's the devil trying to take the joy out of Christ's birth...
it's his way of driving a wedge into our experiences...
our reaching out to cheer someone?
What if we would pray before we left home and on the way there?
Pray for God to use us to spread joy and peace to the world...
to use us to His glory...
and to make a difference in someone else's life...
that when anyone is grumpy that you smile at them and wish them a Merry Christmas...
and let that smile reach your eyes...
because people know when you are faking it...
let them see the light shining through...
if they cut in front of you...
smile- Merry Christmas...
if they are angry and grumpy and terrible to be around...
spend a little time to change their mood...
smiling is contagious...
happy is contagious...
God's love and compassion is contagious...
if someone needs help...
stoop and pick something up...
Merry Christmas...
if we just remember that this time is to celebrate the birth of the Son of God and what that means...
that we will live forever in Heaven when we leave here...
and that that person who is cranky...
just might be our next door neighbor for eternity...
how great would it be....
when we walk down those streets...
and someone comes up to you and says...
I remember you...
you made a difference in my life?
Just how cool would that be?