Monday, August 3, 2015

only 18 more weekends until...

I read it online today, so it must be so...
I am so not ready...

you know its been a bad summer when the weeds have over taken the tiller...

its gotten pretty dern hot here...

but there are cooler days coming soon...

just one more real hot one today...
and hoping that's all we have to do...

forecasting high 70s...
for August?
for real?

good thing I never put all of the winter clothes up...
you just never know... 
when you might need a sweater or warm socks...

the days are sailing by so fast...
and the summer is going to be gone in about 3 weeks...

are you ready?
got fall plans?

gardeners are always looking ahead on what has to be done before the next phase...
I have caught myself in that mode already...
which is getting pruned and how much?
what's going at the end of the season and what will I keep around?
where is this going to go next year?

I think I need to get more deck time in when it cools off...
looking forward to the 60s nights again and hanging out on that bed out there...
I can get all the cats off of it...
not sure what this week will bring...
but hope its better than last...
have a great day!