Wednesday, July 24, 2019

another day in the war zone...

a rooster to wake me up...

but this is what really works...
a nice hot pot of tea in the mornings...

butternut squash blooms and morning glories...

DH and I went out to to pull the green beans and they were loaded with blooms again...
so no replanting them yet...
we pulled weeds and the morning glories out and picked a few cherry tomatoes...

its amazing what you find when  you clean and purge...
Lester and Charlie...

and this one I want to frame...
he's so cute...

2 more bags left yesterday and there's one more in the hallway from this morning for DH to haul out when he gets home...
Craig is off tomorrow to help with the next few totes- too big for me to be dragging around...
pretty darn sore and had a terrible time yesterday...
I was done by 9am, and then it all hit like a ton of bricks...
but doing better today...
trying not to over do it...
but its hard when you get going on something...

I am running into so called projects that never got done...
things I bought at garage sales and will never use...
had good intentions at the time, but I ain't no spring chicken anymore...
and some of these ideas are no longer in...
been asking myself these questions as I sort...
am I really going to do this?
did I miss this?
will I miss it?
will the world come to an end if I let it go?
and before ya know it, another bag is full...
ta da...
its that easy...
just keep me home and away from the clearance isles...
and we will be ok...

Susie- glad you keep coming back and hope things are going for good for you guys...
it does feel good when another bag goes out the door!

have a blessed day...