Tuesday, March 1, 2011

World English Dictionary
flu (fluː) — n
1. the flu short for influenza
2. any of various viral infections, esp a respiratory or intestinal infection

Craig shared...
gotta love your kids...

got to do my 3 Bs today...
and not a whole lot of the last one...
slept through the sunny day...
missed the warm weather...
except when in the bathroom...
watched out the window and got some fresh air...
it's got to be better tomorrow...
gotta be...
ready for the winter and the flu season to be over!

You're gona love this...

Figured out why I'm so fat!
The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body".
 Going to start using Dawn dish washing soap.
It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove. . .

this was posted on facebook...
I knew I was doing something wrong all these years...

Happy March!

March even looks better outside...
still cold out...
but the sun is shining today...
2 yucca where one was planted 2 years ago...
we have no clue what it is or where it came from...
had to be squirrels or bunnies...
laying out right in the middle of no where...
we'll stick in the ground somewhere and see what happens...
they live in the bushes out front...
spent cone flowers...
all the seeds are gone now...

Craig is 100% recovered!...
can't get enough to eat today...
that's all he has done!

I'm doing ok...
spice cake was not my friend...

got bills paid and things ready for the booth...
inventory done...
found my safety pins...
hadn't used them in awhile so it was a small challenge...

the morning has gone by so fast...
so many blogs to visit...
don't have a clue for White Wednesday this week...
so just might not do one...
sometimes you just need a break, ya know?

hope everyone made it through the storms ok...
my cousin's daughter had a friend who lost his mom in flood waters in Ohio...
tried to drive through standing water and got flushed down stream...
they found her car and body this morning...
that family is sure needing some prayers...

found this song that is playing...
had not heard it before but I like it...

Easter images...

went to bed too early...
now I'm back up again...
so more Easter images coming at ya!