Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday madness...

good morning from Raggedy Annie...
she is a cuddler...

been too cold to play outside...
and snow coming in tonight and tomorrow?
who are they trying to kid?
that's the forsythia out there...
just waiting for it to turn bright yellow...
that should scare off winter...

I do belief its time to get a new thermometer...
there's no way it hit that yesterday...

got 4 days in a row that I will be home alone...
see the face on the backside of the dove?

got some ideas stirring around in my head...
and they involve these...

its going to fun to see how they turn out...
you will have to keep coming back to find out...

most of the vertigo I had yesterday has faded...
I am thinking I am going to need another round of antibiotics to kick the rest of this...
its so close to being done, but a tiny bit keeps hanging on with both hands...

may your blessings be more than your burdens today...