bought these off of a friend of mine a few years ago...
I love the faux ceiling tile design...
we used to have our massive rummage sales in here...
in February...
our "Winter Rummage Blast"...
we did quite well...
Rebecca and I went together one year and did fantastic...
I ran the cash register and wrapped and bagged it all...
while she ran around filling holes...
and it was all we could do to keep up...
now, we're both used to retail...
but this was just unreal...
they came through the doors by carloads...
I found this old postcard of the Columbian Building on eBay...
this is how it looks today...
the last business in there was a pharmacy...
but the loan went into default with the bank...
the bank tried to sell it and couldn't so donated it to the town for a community building...
funds were raised to save the building....the whole back part was taken off and rebuilt...
and the public can rent it to do anything they want in there now...
and they finally got the bathrooms in...
they tore everything out inside down to the brick walls and tin ceilings...
it's awesome...
a group of us used to go together and do all sorts of things in here....
our set up looked cool against the vintage red brick and wood floors...
the first Christmas craft show I did in there was for Landmarks...
and the building wasn't ready...
my boys and I went up and worked every night for 2 weeks helping out...
the 3 of us personally pulled all the nails in the floor...
on our hands and knees with hammers...
and the first 3 years we did the Christmas show...
I was in charge...
you set up and leave and I took care of the sales...
we had no heat and no bathrooms yet...
I wore 3 layers of clothes...
gloves and mittens...
put a heavy quilt over my table and plugged in a little heater...
the first morning we opened, I had to call April to come in to get the lights to work...
she pulled out the tallllllll ladder and rubbed the light bulbs before they would come on...
I even had to go outside to stand in the sun to warm up...
those were the days...