Wednesday, July 7, 2010

supper tonight...

homemade baked beans, fried potatoes and hotdogs...
you all come!...

Ryan Bruce update:

He has been moved up to the rehabilitation center...
he is to start working on that today!...
it seems like the first fight is over...
but the battle has just begun...
rehabilitation can seem like it is never ending with little progress...
sometimes it can only be measured by weeks and months...
not days...
it's all up hill and with baby steps...
so keep him in your prayers...
his wounds may all heal but the spirit gets worn too...
half of the physical is 90% mental...
GO     RYAN!

we have a new addition to the garden this morning...

we were out before 8am for our walk and morning watering...
cone flowers in full bloom...
another one of my sun faces...
sedum is getting started on the blooms...
the last of the day lilies...
the end of another cycle and new ones begin in other areas...
and as one thing fades...
another begins...
meet our new addition...