Sunday, August 21, 2011

soaking up summer...

before it slips away...
the last weeks of fun...
mums coming on...
haven't needed the mower for weeks...
but the inch of rain did amazing things overnight...
and the green is trying so hard to come back...
there is still areas of brown and the cracks in the yard are still there...
and it didn't take long for the breezes today to turn the dark brown earth back to tan...
but, it's an inch...
and every little bit helps...
and rain water is so much better than anything we can give them out of the hose...
there was lots of lightening last night...
so the nitrogen was plenty...
hopefully we will get some more later this week...
and I imagine it will be back to watering tomorrow...
but just for today, we took a break...
and just hung out...
DH is off for a whole week...
just maybe we'll get something done...
have a great night...

come play with me in the corn...

sitting under the walnut on the back edge of our property...
sitting in the city limits...
looking into country...
the corn field is outside of the city limits...
so I will show you country...
and how fall is creeping up on the stalks...
how the ears are finished...
and beginning to drop...
and how something else comes creeping...
and the weeds are taller than the corn...
where anything that isn't crop is considered a weed...
whether or not if it blooms...
morning glories are not planted here...
they are free...
they creep in along the edge of the fields...
 to climb the stalks of corn...
no one that I know of plants morning glories here...
they come up everywhere and we have to pull them out of the flower beds...
they will choke out what they can...
if you let them...
we don't  plant them here...
and most farmers spray for them...

so if you stand on the west side of our railroad ties...
you are in town...
but if you step over them...
you're in the country...
the best of both worlds...
city water, sewer, trash removal and cable...
and morning glories, corn stalks, and peace...
we have washboard clouds today...
we got an inch of rain with thunderstorms moving through last night...
many prayers were answered...
too late for the corn crop...
but maybe it will help the soy beans...

praying today that we all get what we need when we need it...
have a blessed Sunday...