Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why does God allow things to happen to us?

the answer is to make our arms longer...
when things happen to  us and we are in a hole...
it takes someone with longer arms to reach us to pull us out...


too  hot to play outside...
too close to supper time to mess up the table in here...
but blogging must go on...
so I was very brave...
and I went out to show you how hot it is...
can you feel the sizzle?????
God bless the man who invented air conditioning...
he is one of my 5 I want to meet when I get the Heaven and thank him personally...
but I could only be so brave for only about 3 minutes...
so here is some sweet corn...
and this is my vintage mail cart...
I bought this off of a dealer when I worked at the antique mall...
one of the best parts of working there was first dibs...
I could rearrange a booth with this cart easily...
I have laid tables, bookcases, dressers on top and hauled them to the other end of the mall...
and I could load it up with all my clean supplies and take off...
and when it closed down...
I brought my baby home with me...
I use it for everything...
I just got it cleaned out again yesterday...
and my husband walks in and dumps corn in it...
I don't think it ever had corn in it before...

Sweet pickle recipe:

 1 cup apple cider vinegar
 1/8 cup salt 1 cup white sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon mustard seed
2 pounds cucumbers
 2 sweet onions
Directions 1.In a small saucepan at medium-high heat, combine cider vinegar, salt, sugar, tumeric and mustard seed. Bring to a boil and let cook for 5 more minutes.
 2.Meanwhile, slice cucumbers and onion. Loosely pack the vegetables in a 1-quart canning jar or other similarly sized container. Pour hot liquid over the vegetables in the container. Refrigerate for 24 hours and enjoy! Keep refrigerated.

paint and cats do not mix sometimes...

this is doofus...the dingy...
he was kept because he is slow thinking...hence the name...
this is the seat of the old swing that I made a bench out of...
needs some paint really bad...
its a scorcher today and we wanted to finish our paint jobs early this morning...
but we had some help...
all four paws are now white...
so, after the photo shoot and some clean up...
we got back to work...
the loungers are done and dry and ready to use!...
they came out totally cool...
over the weekend we mowed the lilies off...
the mosquitoes will have to find somewhere else to live...
my very favorite color of begonia...
light pink with green leaves...
still growing...
it's a family affair when we gather with the paint brushes...
and diva is here again...
Terri went to visit her parents and will be gone for four days...
so she's hanging with us...
mr wiggles stretching his little paws...
notice the tip of the right ear...
yep, he loves paint, too...
and just ask Craig how much water a cordless phone can hold when someone leaves it out in the rain...
I think it will be several days before it completely dries out...
it started coming to life last night and was beeping and flashing...
kinda scary...
and last, but surely not least, my favorite little buddy...
no- he is not having a seizure...
see, even cats can have a bad photo day...
I hope he forgives me for posting this one...
remember  your pets in the heat...
water, bring them in during the worst part...
and hug them a bunch...