Monday, February 25, 2013

sniffing glue????

some people have said, after the last post...
that I might sniff glue in the middle of the night and that would lead to me being a bit batty...

well, I am here to set the record straight...
once and for all!

I only use elmer's glue and glue sticks and hot glue...
and mod podge...
my glue has no fumes...
the only thing I sniff is chocolate...
because I have 3 (count them), 3 phobias...
nuff said on that...
everyone knows this...
3-glue that requires the ER and/or skin graphs to get me unattached from myself or some other object...
I do not use super glue, gorilla glue, any epoxies...
nope, not here...
so there you go...

been working on these tags to hang on the easter tree...
got more to do on them but the base is done...

so how did you spend your Monday???
we got up to 42, so I did get out for a walk...
still sore...
still on the nausea meds...
still so bloated...
I think I am calling tomorrow to see what the hold up is...

did you ever wonder what happens here after midnight?

well, let me show you...

its a funny thing how the quiet helps you create...

when everyone else is sleeping...

no phone ringing...

no one stopping by...

I get into my drawers when the moon is high...

and things fall into place...

I like my solitude...
and I love my little drawers that hold all the fun...
close to get into it...
and start playing...

I will never be too old to play...
I will go out of this world gluing something...
even if its only my dentures...
go- create...