one good reason I should be out in this...
we are to get snow tonight and tomorrow...
3-6 inches on top of a layer of ice...
and then Friday will be the fun one...
-2 to 3 above...
25 mph winds...
oh, the joy of winter...
I used to love winter...
when I was young and stupid...
how are all of you doing?
did you get the nasty ice storm that hit east of here?
the videos on line are full of crashes...
and I read the ERs are full of people who have fallen...
pray for DH...
he passed a kidney stone last night...
hopefully that's the only one...
he won't go to the doctor...
too busy...
yeah, he's one of those...
Hi Tete,
Before I head home, I wanted to quick say hi, I was able to post a quick post.... I was so touched by all the sweet comments, I finally decided to tell the truth about my internet, I guess since My Blog Friends are thinking about Me & Praying for Me, I should be Honest... I was able to list a bunch of stuff on Etsy today.... I am worn out
but at least I have some more in the shop & hope some will sell.... I will take more photos of More STUFF tomorrow & maybe have my daughter pick me up this weekend & I can add LOTS More at her house....
So sorry that Hubby is having Kidney Stones, My daughter had that while Preggo with her 2nd... Painfully
I am glad you were able to get out this week & enjoy the bit of sun ~ I Keep you in My Prayers Daily ~ Miss Talking to you... Thank you for letting me know about Debbie, All in My God Box!
I have to go now, Her car is warmed up & ready to go... hope I can sleep tonight, at least my fingers from typing all day are tired
Love & Hugs
Hope hubby is better. Don had kidney stones and said it was the worst pain he ever had. One day of winter is one day closer to spring...of course that is said by the woman in Florida...sorry. Stay safe sweetie.
sorry to hear DH is hurting...sounds like my husband, would have to be dead to go to the MD.
On the other hand I woke up to 12 inches of snow here....I can not see Heidi's legs! it is up to her belly. Will I make it home this weekend??hhmm?
Hope hubby is better. He must really be a trouper, I had a stone last spring and it was the worst pain I've had since childbirth!
Stay warm and have a good week-end, Annette
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