Friday, February 25, 2011

the best kind of snow, if there is any...

the kind that plasters itself to everything...
and hopefully disappears in one day...
got another limb down that was stuck after the ice storm...
this line has wind with it...
and so goes the life of a prairie chick...
crawling back into bed now...
it better be at least half gone when I get back up...


nancy said...

Yep, we got hit too.. Stay warm. I have to put up the snow tonight. Going to the Sabres game..
See ya soon.

Beth said...

Hi Tete, Lovely photos. No snow here yet...was supposed to start yesterday afternoon but they changed the forecast...I think it is still coming. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for spring!
Blessings, Beth

Verde Farm said...

Oh Tete, I see you got it too. It is pretty at least. Stay warm and enjoy the view. I have mud and soggy, grey days right now--I hate it :(