Monday, February 16, 2015

prayers for those in the storms...

here are some photos that I took on the way home from Paris on Saturday...
it was so cold but the sun was shining...

we sure don't have that today...
woke up to snow blowing sideways...

but we only got an inch, so that's not too bad at all...
considering what this storm is doing...

and the east coast just keeps getting hammered!
glad I don't live there...

been puttering around here today and I am in need of a nap...
the critters have already passed out...
so now would be a good time to sneak in there before they figure out that I am missing...

have you ever got up from a deep sleep to go potty...
only to have a tiny little paw reach up and touch you on the butt?
that's how I started my day this morning...
and you know what?
no matter how many times it happens...
you never get used to it...

I am not sure which one jumped higher...
me from the gentle touch on my backside...
or Buttercup from my scream...
but I doubt if she ever does that again...

have a good day and stay warm!
stay home if you can...
if you are one of the lucky ones...


Ceil said...

Hi There! Great photos, and I'm so glad that you don't live in Boston either. My sister is there, and she is good and tired of snow. Poor thing...

I don't have pets, so a little foot on my backside would make me paralyzed in fear! Lol! At least you just yelled a little :)

NanaDiana said...

Saying prayers for those in the path of all the storms out there right now.

I used to have a Maine Coon that would jump up and bite the upper back of my leg every night when I went to bed. No matter how many times I looked for him he always caught me off guard. He never hurt me- just nipped me a tad and then ran off. xo Diana

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...


poor Buttercup and poor you!

lol.... but it makes a fun posting bit. and a jolly mind picture.

more gigggggles....

-ducking, running, and hiding-

Susie said...

Tete, I agree about the storms, some have gotten ice, so scary. I pray that everyone keeps their power. The story of your cat makes me remember our Zoey, she used to lay outside the bathroom door and reach under the door and touch my toes. The door is about 3/4 inch from the sill. Miss that old cat . Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie
p.s. loved your pictures.

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Pretty photos! It's so cold right now, but I also walk when I get home no matter how cold. I wear my coat that you can practically wear in Antarctica and I just bundle up. Don't like gyms and I hate exercise equipment, so I just deal with the cold.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Tete, You share the best pics. I love that gnarly looking tree, like it's barbed wire.
Prayers for all those in the winter storm. It has been a crazy season and I think everyone is ready for spring.

Your cat gives you a love tap on the butt. Too cute.

Stay warm.
Hugs, CM