Friday, June 11, 2010

Look what circus girl found...

she was buzzin' around trying to get things ready for this weekend and found this at her place...
bought years ago and just stashed away...
never used it...
she is attempting a circus theme barn sale...
if anyone can pull it off...
she can...
and the rush to get everything ready will drive her nuts...
but she loves it...
and she is going to need all the covering she can get outside...
those pesky weathermen put rain in the forecast...
yeah...they're in trouble...they better not show up at her barn sale...
she has pitchforks...and she's a farm girl and knows how to use them...
hang in there, Rebecca, it will be over soon...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Thanks for your patience, your listening ear, your wise words, your shoulder to lean(or cry on), your ideas and always your wonderful stories. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!