Friday, September 22, 2017

what happened to fall???

babies are posted online...
and 2 have their homes...

these 3 and 2 others need their homes now...
giving them one more week here before they go to the local rescue/shelter...

the only time to get them sitting still is waking them from a nap...
they really aren't that grumpy...

found this sign last weekend...
love it...
it so fits today...

back to my question...
who took fall and what did you do with it?
we are so hot here and dry...

red maple has some leaves turning...

nuts are falling fast and so are the leaves on the walnut, persimmon and ash trees...
been a slow/ fast week...
it did fly by, after it took days to get started...
I give up on doing things early...
had to dig my summer clothes back out!
tanks, flip flops....

the neighborhood has been really quiet..
which is a good thing...
do not like those who cause trouble and chaos in our peaceful part of the world...
harvest has started...
the guys are so tired from the heat when they get home now...
no relief in sight, either...
going right into October in the 90s...
its so unreal...
I don't like it at all...
I am not raking leaves and putting out Halloween stuff is the a/c is running a mile a minute...
its just not right...
I need to pull the annuals...
maybe some evening when the sun is down and it cools down into the 80s...
not until!

hope your week is going ok...
stay out of the heat...
I know there are too many sweat shirts out and not a day to wear them...
fluffy socks...
extra bedding...
who was I kidding????
I jinxed the whole thing...
have a great weekend...
and I will let you know when we cool off...
did you know it was snowing in Canada?
its coming...
it will be 90 one day and snowing the next...


Susie said...

Tete, I would not be surprised by that weather prediction. LOL. I do not like this heavy heat. And all the fall festivals going on around here. The leaves around here just dry up and fall off and they are all pretty colors. The little kittens are so cute and different colors. The one with the orange Mohawk cute. I have a stray cat here. It came this week during a down pour and sat under a tree ...later that evening it was on the I gave him some milk..he is still here.LOL. Blessings to you and your men. Hope your husband gets a break here and there. xoxo, Susie

Ida said...

Those kittens are so cute. I hope they find homes and don't have to go to a shelter.